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Posts posted by KarenHolcomb

  1. Well my, my, my...tempers do seem to be getting hotter and hotter each time I return. Why is that fellows? Do we all need to sit down and have a Pow-Wow? I'm sorry, a chat. I think A.S.S.,I mean A.A.S., of course, was maybe using the whole Mormon thing like so many of us, you guys too at some point, I'm sure, have used the old 'he's gonna try and Jew me down on my price' deal. IMHO anyway. That's how I read it anyway. 

    Now Numis, it's you turn...you did kind of fly right off the handle and into a defensive mode which seemed to border actual anger, and that's no good either. Surely no better than JKK's jump at you for proof of a Wives Tale that neither you or anyone would ever be able to provide and I think JKK knew as much when he demanded it.

    And then we have Kurt...my good buddy Kurt. Lol! He actually came to dudes defense! Wowzers! Never thought I'd see the day. So ima leave him alone for now. For now.

    So. What are we left with? 1 Newbie up top who seems like a decent dude given our limited info on him. He's respectful and has ok photos and is likely wishing he'd picked another site to ask his question on and will probably not be back.

    We have an entire buttload of 'experts', half of which know their worth and have no need or desire for girly squabbles or to prove anything to anyone, and the other half who, from what I've been reading-and I've been reading quite a lot here- have been butting heads and leading each other right through the fields to the battle line and are ready for war. Why? No idea. I went back through these past couple of weeks and I read all the exchanges and I've witnessed it building from minute disagreements to a full blown and blatant disrespect for one another that has no place here. 

    You guys ever think to ask one other how long you been at this and add the years together for a grand total of combined years of Numismatic experience and knowledge? We know Kurts an old fart, and JKK likely isn't far behind him, and I bet the 2 of them alone have 100years to pass around. Add in Numis  and Bob and Condor and all the rest and you're looking at 200-250yrs+ of combined and diverse knowledge that so many of us Newbies can benefit from. But not if you are squabbling and being rude all the time and run us all off!

    Each of you has knowledge of many different aspects of the hobby. Maybe instead of trying to updo the other and prove yourself more intelligent you might consider calling a truce and learning from and teaching each other. We all have strengths and weaknesses and attempting to hide our weaknesses and boast our strengths all the while trying to best another human being and fellow collector does absolutely naught for the big picture. That behavior will not help a thing yet can hurt a whole lot. So stop it. Act your ages, please. Nobody here is better yhan anyone else.

    When everyone puts in an effort to above all be respectful, you'll be surprised at how much goodness will rise out of it. So let's all bite our tongues and give the other guys at least some feigned respect and the benefit of the doubt for one short week and see where we are next Friday. Just forget the past months of rising tensions like they never happened. Make like you all just met today and that you are all on equal footing for the 1 week.  Can y'all consider that? Start fresh? Please? Because I like and appreciate each of you for you similarities AND your differences and I have gained as much from one of you as I do the others and I am a better Numismatist because of you all, not just 1 or 2 of you. 

    So how about it? Truce? 1 short week? 

    Thank goodness for speak to text. Ah the conveniences of this modern world we live in...

    Now if you don't mind, skip on over and feast your eyes on the spectacular Die Clash I'm about about to share. And please don't ban me for interfering. I am a girl, after all, and that's what we do.

  2. I have no reactions left for today. You guys were a hoot on this post. Thanks to you all for improving my day.

    How are you only quoting certain parts of a response?

    Get ready cause I'm about to blow your minds with the badassets Double/possibly Triple Skip Double Die Clash as soon as I finish my notifs. I sure wish Ole what's his name, I mean Tom were around to see it. Y'all's eyes are gonna bug out of their sockets fo sho. And also quite possibly a 50+yr old unlisted DDR that I'm going to keep the year secret on for now. I'll have to let you guys tell me if it's a DD or not. 

    Thanks for your kind words for my friend, they mean more than you could know. 

    See ya again in a few.....

  3. On 11/12/2019 at 10:06 AM, VKurtB said:

    Just in case ol' Erik doesn't know, there are some minor DD's in 1969. Not all are the -001, which is hardly ever seen. And when it is seen, you really don't need magnification.

    I need the high mag. Backwards. Found my first true DD a week or so ago and I attribute it to my newest cellular device and an upside-down 30x Loupe. I have decided that with an Astigmatism, even as severe as mine is, there are ways to beat its behind. By using an upside-down Loupe! Genius, huh?

  4. On 11/11/2019 at 12:41 AM, Just Bob said:

    You have claimed over and over that you have found doubled die coins and matte proof coins, which have turned out  to just be normal coins, but you ridiculed and smarted off to everyone who tried to help you out and explain where you were in error. You have been caught at least twice lying about coins that you claimed that you had sent to NGC, and that they (NGC) had supposedly attributed as doubled die coins, when, in fact, they had not. You even tried to deceive everyone by showing a picture of one of the coins in a slab, but it turned out to be a picture of a PCGS coin from an auction five years ago that you found on the internet. You even tried to sell three counterfeit coins on here.

    I told you before, and I will tell you again: you have ZERO credibility on this forum. No one will believe anything you post , even if you did manage to find something special. You can post whatever you find, real or not, but nobody is going to believe you. Not now, not ever.

    I'm a little late and a little behind, my apologies. 

    I'm reminded of an age old story about a little boy who did cry wolf.

  5. On 11/20/2019 at 1:00 PM, Just Bob said:

    Karen, since there are young numismatists who frequent these boards, would you mind removing the last one?


    I will, absolutely Bob, but i gotta say that there is no cursing or belittling or anything that I think is not for young ears. And then, of course, my entire explanation will be gone. Oh!!! The meme?! I am sorry. Absolutely I will. My apologies kind Sir.

  6. Ah snap Duke! Are you dropping memes on me?! Lmbo!

    I totally agree with the 1st paragraph of Dukes summation, but the Doubled Die part not so much.

    My intention for sharing it in the 1st place was as a joke about how all us Newbies are always posting our coins with MD and being all excited about them because we are positive they are DD's. Then our hopes and dreams are crushed because Condor or JK come back with 'All I see is a severely deteriorated die with some MD on a severely damaged Lincoln Cent '. Right? It's Satire. Sarcasm.

    So if y'all can't see the humor in it all by thus point then you are beyond any help I can offer but I still like ya. And wasn't that last meme the hot-dog-diggity?

    See,that last line was also funny because it is a cat in the meme...... 


  7. On 11/19/2019 at 7:29 PM, Numismatic, A.A.S. said:

    A long time ago I remember a song that the singer said, "here's 10 cents cuz my 2 cents are free"....

    Your post got me laughing, which, unfortunately is rare for me these days....thanks and Peace...


  8. Ok. I forget that most of you guys don't do FaceBook. Sooorrry.....there have been these memes going around with this chick and the cat. Whatever the chick says the cat says something counter to it. Like I will show you another after i finish this. They are super funny, every one of them, but I'll be darned if I know who either character is and idt anybody knows, which makes them get on my nerves all the more. Anyway, maybe you'll get it after seeing a couple more. Ok, sometimes i get a little carried away. Ooops! Enjoy.









  9. Yep. Yep. Yep. (Gotta say it like Al from Happy Days. Just do it! My post, my rules.) This gal found her first FS Listed coin today. A not so great 1972 DDO-003 Stage C that j self grade between VF35-XF40 and according to Variety Vista is still a $15-20 coin so I guess it's not all about condition, condition, condition after all. Of course if it were fruit juicy red it'd be worth a lot more, but 20 bucks ain't nuttin to sneeze at boys. You guys proud of me? I am proud of me. My new phone with the best ever camera ever, ever, has changed my sight for the DD's. I figured out that it is my astimatism and the loupe preventing me from seeing them at all.



  10. On 11/1/2019 at 11:40 AM, Dukemnm said:

    Is it only the Philadelphia mint? we don't very many Philly's in the west coast. mostly Denver mint. 

    Idk? I guess it's about who's into what. I found one sold on Pic Click in August for $26. Not too bad. Found several sold on ebay but idk what they sold for. So i guess it's like any other error, ie the 1-legged buffalo Nickel or the extra cactus AZ Quarter, it'll either be a hit or it won't, but it is still selling for quite mark up.