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Member: Seasoned Veteran
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  1. Like
    Coinbuf got a reaction from VanArippa in Double Die? More obvious. Thanks   
    Looks like split plate doubling, what year is this coin?
  2. Like
    Coinbuf got a reaction from Crawtomatic in Computerized Grading   
    He did, but he also had a financial interest in PCGS and that doesn't make for the most objective standpoint.  From a company bottom line standpoint computerized grading would at some point in the future restrict profits as it would discourage crackouts and regrade opportunities.  The other issue is that grading has never been fully standardized, it has always been (and even more now) a wizard science that incorporates the least objective (and often the most weighted) criteria known as eye appeal.  Machines can learn but it would still be more predictable in this area than a human that is subject to many factors like; how does he feel that day, or how tired is he from being up all night with a crying baby.  All those human emotions and external factors do play a part into each grade, and because of that the opportunity for regrade and crackout submissions income that would not be a part of computer grading. 
  3. Like
    Coinbuf reacted to bernard55 in Computerized Grading   
    This post probably cost me about 100 hours of fun :-)
    I spent a couple weekends trying to do this following this paper: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01795304/document --it's not all that difficult but the problem is that it requires a lot of high quality pictures per coin, per grade, per year, per quark (ie. 1909 VDOB) back and front--i estimate about 1M pix for US coin base all up.  Then it requires the user of the system to take the same high quality photos. There are big issue with normalizing glare of high end coins.  net is only a HA, or TPG has the base of photos.  It's pretty easy to take 1 photo and munge it up into many but the score goes down significantly.  Biggest issue I had is with identifying date--it's a much more difficult problem than identifying a license plate.
    Note that PCGS has been doing ML "assisted" for a while https://www.pcgs.com/goldshield "With PCGS Gold Shield, each coin is imaged in high resolution, registered, and checked against PCGS’ vast proprietary imaging database. Our Gold Shield system benefits from artificial intelligence and machine learning, helping our graders quickly identify and remove counterfeits from the market."  Interesting enough they let their patent expire: https://patents.google.com/patent/US5224176
    I'll spend a couple more weekends on it as it's an interesting rabbit hole for a geek that likes coins...
  4. Like
    Coinbuf got a reaction from Lancek in Computerized Grading   
    And yet notice that the tech Hall talked about is not in use, in fact we have moved away from grades that are biased on grading by standards (what little there ever were) into market grading.  And there is no room for machine grading under market grading, grading by a machine is all about technical standards.  However under the market grading process grading criteria such as strike and marks are given far less weight and instead gives much higher importance to eye appeal, a highly subjective component that cannot be done by a machine because its an emotional response.  I would love a return to a more technical grading with published and real standardized standards over the current "its got easter egg colors so bump it a grade" way things are done now, but I don't run any TPG companies so what I want or think is of very little concern.
  5. Like
    Coinbuf got a reaction from Johnny Reed Collection in New and nervous   
    Welcome to the forum, there is nothing we can do to help you without some basic information, what the coin is, and some photos.  I'm not sure just what you think this place is but nobody here knows who you are or where you live so nobody is going to show up on your doorstep from here because you post a photo of a coin.  Also we get several "life altering" coins that people claim to find each week, I have never seen one yet be the real deal.  I'm not saying your wrong but experience has taught me that the odds are the coin you have is not what you think it is, but if you can provide nice clear photos I'm sure that someone here can provide the information you are seeking. 
  6. Thanks
    Coinbuf got a reaction from Abo anas 09 in What is the reason for the refusal?   
    Neither of those cert numbers are valid when I attempted to verify them on the PCGS site.  If you have not done so I suggest you try and verify these two cert numbers yourself, here is a link to the PCGS site. https://www.pcgs.com/resources  Up in the right hand side you will see an icon for verify, click on it and input your numbers, both the numbers you provided in your op (501172604, and 501172603) are not currently valid.  Some reasons for this might include a typo error in your request/post, a mechanical error on the part of PCGS, and other reasons.  You would need to contact PCGS customer service to determine the problem and see what can be done to resolve the issue.
    Note I do not work for NGC just a collector giving you some free advice.
  7. Like
    Coinbuf got a reaction from Ali E. in What is the reason for the refusal?   
    Neither of those cert numbers are valid when I attempted to verify them on the PCGS site.  If you have not done so I suggest you try and verify these two cert numbers yourself, here is a link to the PCGS site. https://www.pcgs.com/resources  Up in the right hand side you will see an icon for verify, click on it and input your numbers, both the numbers you provided in your op (501172604, and 501172603) are not currently valid.  Some reasons for this might include a typo error in your request/post, a mechanical error on the part of PCGS, and other reasons.  You would need to contact PCGS customer service to determine the problem and see what can be done to resolve the issue.
    Note I do not work for NGC just a collector giving you some free advice.
  8. Like
    Coinbuf got a reaction from Modwriter in Heritage Auctions   
    No coins develop spots, tone, or change color known as "turning in the holder" after being slabbed by a TPG.  This happens for many reasons, from as simple as someone along the grading chain sneezed and some droplets landed on the coin to a doctored coin that slipped past the graders.  An example of this is the milkspots that form on many ASE's, nobody knows for sure what causes them to form but it has been a problem with very fine silver coins and you will see many white spotted coins in high grade holders because the spots formed after the coin was slabbed.  Also slabs are not 100% airtight so in some cases coins change after slabbing due to improper storage in a high humidity climate.
  9. Like
    Coinbuf reacted to RonnieR131 in Ultra Rare 1970 over 1983 over 1974?   
    We can't grade it if you don't show good photos of Both sides. I'm pretty sure you don't have the first, there's already a label out for it. (etsy).
  10. Like
    Coinbuf reacted to JKK in Ultra Rare 1970 over 1983 over 1974?   
    I saw this one on Youtube and am sure it will grade MS-72 Deep Cameo. A guy on there told me so.
  11. Haha
    Coinbuf got a reaction from 1917 in Ultra Rare 1970 over 1983 over 1974?   
    Super funny but please don't, you just know someone will think its a real thing.  
  12. Haha
    Coinbuf got a reaction from Hinkle in Ultra Rare 1970 over 1983 over 1974?   
    Super funny but please don't, you just know someone will think its a real thing.  
  13. Haha
    Coinbuf reacted to Morpheus1967 in Ultra Rare 1970 over 1983 over 1974?   
    Ratzie33 has inspired me to take a look through my change drawer here at work, and I think I may have stumbled upon something rare.  I have only seen one of these before, on a youtube video I believe.  Just wondering what you guys think this will grade at?  It's a rare 1970 overdate on a 1983 overdate on a 1974.  Thanks!

  14. Like
    Coinbuf got a reaction from Johnny Reed Collection in 1st time submission to NGC   
    Not enough info to answer your question, what does "on about the 13" mean?
  15. Like
    Coinbuf got a reaction from Modwriter in Heritage Auctions   
    In my experience the GC photos are brighter and sometimes a bit washed out while the Heritage photos are often dark and lifeless.  I do suspect that the coin composition (copper, silver, etc) will vary between the two.  I would also say that the Heritage photos were better some years ago than what I see today, the coin posted was from 2004, that same coin photo would be darker here is a current buy-it-now Heritage inventory photo of the same date as the 1925 in my post, this is an MS67 mine was MS66.

  16. Like
    Coinbuf got a reaction from Modwriter in Heritage Auctions   
    I just realized my post may have not been clear, my comment about the photos was directed to Heritage and not Great Collections.  Heritage photos tend to be dark and not very good for many of the coins, GC photos do at times receive criticism but are better than Heritage photos most of the time imo.  
  17. Like
    Coinbuf got a reaction from Modwriter in Heritage Auctions   
    I have purchased a handful of coins over the years thru Heritage auctions, but the high seller fees make it an unattractive unless you have some major rarieties.  In fact they aren't really all that interested in consignments under 5K.  For selling Great Collections is a much better option for most collectors.  While they do have a ton of photos (Heritage) their photos leave much to be desired much of the time.
    Edited to add here is one I bought many years ago.

  18. Like
    Coinbuf reacted to jtryka in Post your most recent acquisition: US   
    Got these two over the past few weeks, unfortunately I had these die marriages, but they are at least upgrades!

  19. Like
    Coinbuf got a reaction from Matt G in Starter Set for a Six Year Old   
    Welcome to the boards, the US mint has at times put together some youth sets but those usually were only a few (or one) US coins.  I don't know if they still have anything like that but you could check out the website as a start.  Another good way is to find a local coin dealer, most have a junk box or bin that might contain a broader selection of world and US coins.  Those coins are usually not very expensive maybe a buck or two each and could be a great way to stimulate his curiosity and provide a spark for collecting.  Another option would be to get an inexpensive album and some starter coins, like say the current shield Lincoln cents, that is something you can sit with him and go through pocket change to find new coins for the album.  Here is an inexpensive folder style holder for the shield cents.
    Shield Cent folder
  20. Like
    Coinbuf got a reaction from kbbpll in Not another bogus penny error?   
    Where do we get the hook up? 
  21. Haha
    Coinbuf reacted to JKK in Not another bogus penny error?   
    *spoon*. Wasn't supposed to say anything. Now I've done gone and *spoon*ed it up.
  22. Haha
    Coinbuf reacted to kbbpll in Not another bogus penny error?   
    Wait, you get paid?
  23. Like
    Coinbuf reacted to robec1347 in For the love of copper   
  24. Like
    Coinbuf reacted to JKK in Not another bogus penny error?   
    Word. If I have a time constraint by which it's legitimate to nag me to hurry up and reply, then I want a pay raise to go with it.
  25. Thanks
    Coinbuf got a reaction from Crawtomatic in 1965 DDO + DDR ??? PLEASE ANY & ALL HELP VALUED!   
    Looks to be just MD (mechanical doubling) or die erosion not a true double die.  This type of doubling is very common and very often mistaken by new collectors, MD is not valuable or collectable.  I've attached a photo to help demonstrate the difference.