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watching a gold cac wheat on EBAY

very surprise good evening i been watching on EBAY a 1928 wheat 1964 RD with a gold CAC sticker in a old older, too my surprise it sold for $360 i think the NGC price guide is under $80. So i guest the marker for CAC sticker is strong. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.

my last 2 little wheat treasure and 1 on the way

my last good deals for the next few months good evening too all collectors i received today 2 of the wheat i win this weekend on E-BAY #1 1927 MS66 RD for 193.00 deliver with FMV 358.00 good deal, pop 145 with only 18 coins in higher grade and with a registry value of 629 points #2 1928 MS66 RD for 203.00 deliver with a FMV 371.00 good deal too, pop 104 with only 15 coins in higher grade and with a registry value of 602 points im still waiting for a 1930 MS66 RD i win for 70.00 deliver

thinking sending coins too ncs

just received my 5 coins renewal certificate time too send my pocket change ( coins i found in change or bags ) for grading to add to my self made wheat and my registry sets, but this time im thinking about sending some too ncs, i have a 21S that was send me back last year by NGC with PVC damage and a candidate for NCS so i think before i waste money sending them too NGC and getting them back not graded maybe i should send them first too NCSthe. top group on the attach picture ( the coins im t

my last purchase arrived today

last weekend teletrade auction hi to you all just get my last find, a nice 1932 wheat MS66 RD i win with a 200.00 bid add the 30.00 buyer fee and 20.65 for shipping and sales taxes for a grand total of 256.65 with FMV of 273.00. with a NGC population of 179 with only 14 coins in higher grade. that coin add 527 points too my registry. let's keep finding these little treasure patrick To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.

back from the LONG BEACH coin show

positif review of the show i spend few hours yesterday at the show, for been the last day it was very busy, better than last day (sunday) of the show last year when half of the dealer were already gone, so changing the show days was a good move. with my wanted list on hand looking for earlie wheat and earlie proof silver coins graded by NGC. i found no coins good enough for me too purchase( sad ). but what i found is the prices been above FNV on most of the coins i was looking at, so i guess

trying something new

buying unopened proof sets i found 2 sets of 1964 proof sets unopened one for $26 and one for $28 when i opened all coins are spotless (hard too find for that date) and both 1/2 dollar are accented hair. there is still little treasures out there. im goin too send the best of each coins too NGC for grading. too start a 1964 self made proof set. and i think im goin too look for more unopened proof sets this weekend at the long beach coin show ( if they are at a good prices) or i will concent

problems with price guide

no up and down arrows on the price guide happy memorial day to all and a special thanks too all the veterans. i was looking at the price guide today for the wheat cents and i d'int see any arrows for the price changes for any coins, yesterday on the weekly market e-mail it show a lot of wheat with prices changes so i wonder if NGC as problems with updating the price guide. and i just renew my membership, if i could make a wish i would like too be able to get a report with price

keeping usps busy this week

yesterday E-BAY today TELETRADE just get my last buy, a 1925 wheat MS66 RED, That coin is hard too find in this grade and rarely come for sale. that coin is 1 of 100 graded MS66 RD with 26 in higher grade, with a value of 546 registry points.price was ok 220.00 plus 33.00 buyer's fee with a FMV 325.00 have a great and safe week To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.

my last purchase just arrive

1964 kennedy just receive my last purchase from E-BAY today, a very nice 1964 accent hair 50c kennedy PF 65, i paid 64.85 deliver that's over FMV but they all are for the last few month. that coin make my 1964 kennedy accent hair hoard at 103 coins, that coin and my wheat rolls and bag collection are my retirement fund. talk to you guys in a week, starting my vacation sunday goin to the ranch playing with horses and cow. patrick To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here.

1 of my dream coin for sale but way above my budget

last few weeks auctions watching hello fellow collectors the last few weeks i been watching a couple of amazings auctions (like i always do). 1) over 300 lincoln from a collection ranked number 4 in the pcgs registry value at over 1 million listed on ebay, i spend hours watching the beautifull pictures and dreaming at some top graded coins. 2)i been reading RICK TOMASKA FRANKLIN AND KENNEDY HALF DOLLARS book and i always wanted that 1964 coin on the cover graded by NGC at PF69* UC, that

1964 accented hair kennedy

auction at 50% too double FMV prices i been following auction and bidding for the kennedy half dollar proof for a while and i been surprise by the amount of biding. just this weekend alone on E-BAY 1 in proof 66 sold for 78.07 FMV 76.25 and 1 in proof 65 sold for 62.00 FMV 51.60. last week 1 in proof 67 sold for 182.50 with a FMV 106.00 and 1 in proof 66 sold for 81.00. that's a good premium for a modern coin. i hope every one enjoy easter patrick To see old comments for this Journ

thank you mike

great addition too my kennedy thank you mike for that great transaction, great coins prices and very fast shipping. love too deal with fellow collector. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.

my first complete and ranked #1 set

2003s perfect proof set jus finish adding pictures and descriptions in my first complete set in proof 70. 1 of my goal for this year so i can check this out of my list. now i can go back and focus on my lincoln set. thank you to all your help. patrick To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.

a nice addition and a new level in my collection

add what i think a under value coin good evening i just get my last purchase from Heritage, a PF69*CAMEO 1972S 50c Kennedy with a sensus of 61 at this * grade with 140 in UC, i over paid a little (56.00 including BP)but is my first * coin and is my 200s coin in my collection so i d'int mind spending a little more as we all know sometime our heart take over our brain and i think the Kennedy serie is under value with a lot of potential in the future specially in high grade To see old com

update for a previous posting

get my lot and added too my registry update from my earlie posting regarding that lot of 83 1934-64 lincoln ngc graded coins all MS66 rd foe 1475.00 deliver. very happy with the coins very well pack and as a bonus they came in 5 ngc platic boxes. that buy get me a extra 14150 points and help me break 32000 points and even more make my wheat set to the 66 rank and my complete lincoln set too the 16 place. very please i wich every one luck thank you patrick To see old comments for th

following a great lincoln sale on ebay

one of the top pcgs registry if you want too see one of the best lincoln pcgs registry set for sale check out on ebay the listing for david lawrence. that set as over 300 coins for a value of over 1 million with a bunch of coins top and unique grade. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.

my first big buy this year and my best ever

luck on ebay last night i was surfing ebay for couple of hours when i see that listing from a dealer with over 12000 transactions for a lot of 83 MS66 RD lincoln 1934-1964 all NGC graded, including 1934 p.d. 1935 to 1958 p.d.s. 1956 to 1964 p.d with 1943 p.d.s graded ms66. i then place a bid of 900.00 in the last second the bid when up too 939.99 with reserve not met. this morning i get a e-mail from the seller asking me too give him a call so i did, he offer me the all set for the great price

last night heritage auctions win

complete my first perfect PF 70 set last night i win 2 coins too complete my first PF 70 set (2003)and my first time using heritage, now i have too add descriptions and pictures too complete the project. 2003 S 1C PR 70 RED UC NGC 65.00 + 14.00 TOTAL 79.00 2003 S 50C CLAD PR 70 UC NGC 45.00 + 14.00 TOTAL 59.00 To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.

chef patrick-migration

chef patrick-migration

the new teletrade web

like the new pictures i just check out the new teletrade web and love the new pictures, you can zoom up too over 250%, now you can really see every details before you bid. go check it out you be impress To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.

chef patrick-migration

chef patrick-migration

i have a solution

keeping the way it is!!!! NGC should look at giving two scores for each registry set, keep the current score and add 1 score including the NGC coins only, that would please every one including my self. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.

chef patrick-migration

chef patrick-migration

thank you for answering all my previous questions and helping the collecting community

benefits of a CAC sticker on a slab? couple times i was looking at a coin in auction with a CAC sticker on so i wonder,is there a benefit of having a CAC sticker on a slab? and should it be more expensive? thank you for helping me making good sound decisions in this new year patrick To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.

chef patrick-migration

chef patrick-migration

sending a pcgs coin too ngc

any value too send a pcgs coin too ngc i was just wondering, when i look at pcgs and ngc census there are are big difference on amount of coins graded per grade, like pcgs 0 coin in proof 70 and ngc as over 200. so my question is would it make sense for me too send a pcgs proof 69 too ngc and hoping a 70 will come back? thank you for your imput happy new year patrick To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.

chef patrick-migration

chef patrick-migration

2011 personal collecting fact

show and dealer versus internet i just added all my coins to the inventory and my sets 2011 was a good year. for many years i did all my coins purchases from dealers and shows and i use too finish the year by spending 60 too 70 % of the ngc value giuide, but about 18 months i decided too focus on web buying ( e-bay, teletrade and more). this year i finish at 46 % of ngc book value not bad even with few coins i get are pcgs and we all know pcgs value is higher than ngc. maybe i will conti

chef patrick-migration

chef patrick-migration