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Se anticipa la reducción de precios del 2013W 2-Coin West Point Eagle Set (S40)..

-debido a la disminución en el mercado de la plata, Nuevo precio espera que sea $ 139.95 por la Casa de Moneda. . . Este juego es muy esperado por los coleccionistas, ya que contiene un 2013-W Reverse Prueba American Eagle moneda de plata y un 2013-W Enhanced American Eagle fuera de circulación la moneda de plata (juego S40), siendo esta última una primera oferta cada vez que se produce utilizando las nuevas pulido y métodos helar láser. Estas dos monedas de plata son golpeados en las instalac



The 2013W 2-Coin West Point Eagle(S40) 2-coin Set

The numbers are in.. 251,695* Sets sold as of June 6th. The closing bell brings the end of these sets from the Mint. Total sales have matched those of the 2012-S San Francisco 75th Anniv. 2-coin ASE set at 251,695 units. This set is highly anticipated by collectors as it contains a 2013-W Reverse Proof American Eagle Silver Coin and an 2013-W Enhanced Uncirculated American Eagle Silver Coin (Set S40), with the latter being a first ever offering that is produced using new polishing and laser



2013 Silver Eagle West Point 75th Anniv. 2-Coin Set (S40) scheduled for May 9th

... and Still Just $149.95, and is likely to be one of the most popular numismatic products of the year. Is this issue an indication of things to come in the future production of Silver Eagles and other US Mint issues? The US Mint notice reports that there will not be any ordering limits. As was with last years San Francisco 2-Coin Set, orders will be taken during the four week window from May 9, 2013 at 12:00 Noon ET to June 5, 2013 at 5:00 PM ET. The sets will begin shipping in late June. La



El 2013-W West Point Mint 75th Anniv. 2-Coin Set (En Español)

Casa de la Moneda(US Mint)presenta una nueva superficie de las Águilas de Plata el 9-Mayo- La nueva edición del Coin World nos da una idea de lo que vendrá en la producción de American Eagles de plata. El conjunto va a celebrar el 75 aniversario de la Casa de Moneda de West Point, que se publicará a 9-Mayo, 2013. La nueva superficie se va a aplicar a la moneda fuera de circulación Pulido utilizar algunas superficies pulidas y reflectantes similares a los encontrados en monedas de prueba, y se



The 2013-W West Point Mint 75th Anniv. 2-Coin Set

Mint to introduce new surface finishes on ASE's on May 9th- The new issue of Coin World gives us a glimpse of things to come in the production of American Silver Eagles. The set will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the West Point Mint, to be issued May 9, 2013. The new surface finishes to be applied to the Burnished Uncirculated coin utilize some polished, reflective surfaces similar to those found on Proof coins, and is struck multiple times rather than once, it is not a Proof. The Reverse



Info for 2013 Silver Eagles & other US Mint stuff

Also, a "FB Page" for Silver Eagle enthusiasts. A FB Page is available for anyone who would like to Comment, contribute, Follow, or Post US Silver Eagle related info and pics. The link is here: http://www.facebook.com/people/Silver-Eagles/100004247730076 (Make sure to copy the entire line or data to link) To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



A Silver Eagles page now on Facebook

Open for comments, discussion, and pictures The link below takes you to a Facebook alternative for general discussion, comments, and photo uploads of your silver eagles. The link is here: http://www.facebook.com/people/Silver-Eagles/100004247730076 To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



Buying and Selling with the On-line Auctions-

Is there a Better Way than Ebay? Another member posted a similar question on our Chat Board, and thought I'd follow up with my own. I've dealt exclusively with Ebay for the last 15 years, not giving much thought to other auction houses. Unless it's a really hot item, My listings tend to hang there for quite a while because I can't afford to lose any money, listing it for the fair market value. They generally sell after all the "low ball" priced items are gone. The auctions are generally a



The Closing Bell for the 2012 San Francisco 2-coin ASE Set

The numbers weren't bad at all! 251,302 was the US Mint's preliminary tally as of Sale Closing at 5PM, July 5th. When you consider the fears of potential over purchasing by vendors and profiteers, the total actually came in much less than anticipated. Estimates of over a Million were being forecast, I kept mine at about 1/2 that number. So much had been made by some over the lifting of purchase limits, and how our sets were going to be devalued, etc. Well it turned out well for all. The tot



Today's Silver Eagle Values vs. US Mint & Market Prices

Are we getting our money's worth? The last time I could afford to purchase a monster green box was in 1998, costing me a whole $3,300 with the Dealer's mark-up and shipping. Those of us who have been around for a while remember Spot Silver prices vs. US Mint pricing before the start of the 2006 inflation. In 2000, with silver still at under $5/oz, an OGP proof silver eagle sold for $24. Factor in about $2 per unit in production costs and the Mint saw a 350% return. Then again, production to



Update on the S.F. 75th Anniversary Eagle Set

More than 100,000 sets! The 2012 American Silver Eagle San Francisco Two-Coin Proof Set includes one 2012-S Reverse Proof American Silver Eagle and one 2012-S Proof American Silver Eagle. Original estimate of 300k sets emerged, but has now been changed to remove any ceiling, to "Collector Demand" to determine the set mintage level. The two-coin proof set will go on sale for four weeks only, beginning on June 7, 2012 and lasting through July 5, 2012, production is scheduled to begin on May 11



Upcoming S.F. Mint 75th Anniversary Proof Silver Eagle Set

Here we go again, Gang! Last year, following the issue of the 25th Anniversary Sets, the Mint did state that some form of "Special Mint Set" silver eagles may be issued on an annual basis. My view is "How are they going to milk us out of our cash now?" The Mint has the set listed on its Calandar, and announced the set will be issued on June 7, 2012, and confirmed that the basic details have been decided with production scheduled to begin on May 11. The set commemorating the 75th Annivers



Is the '(W)Struck at West Point Mint' Label Silver Eagles Really a Variety Coin?

. . . I want a -Denver- minted Silver Eagle Set, think there will ever be one? Some time ago I inquired about having the 2012(S)coin added to the MS Eagles competative set, the response from the Staff (I think) was overkill, by adding a whole new set that includes ALL the variation labels. Now the the ASE MS Set includes the 2011(S) but not the 2012(S), the other includes both 2011/12(W) and (S) coins. Though I agree that the -(S)Struck at San Francisco Mint- coin, though just another bullio



Black Diamond - An American Icon

It ain't easy being an American "Star"! Millions of buffalo once roamed America's western plains. But by the late 1800s they had been hunted and slaughtered to the brink of extinction. A new nickel helped raise awareness of the plight of the buffalo, even if that wasn't the coin's designer-James Fraser's intention. For him, the buffalo symbolized the "winning of the West," and provided a "perfect unity of theme" with the Native American chief on the other side of the coin. Nostalgia may have a



New Labels for 2012, Whatever Holder suits the Beholder!

NEW FOR 2012: Labels Up da Wahzoo!   Early Releases OR First Releases   Brown Label, OR   American Liberty Series Label, OR ALS, Early Release or ALS, First Release   SF Golden Gate Label, OR GG, Early Release or GG, First Release   West Point Star Label, OR Star, Early Release or Star, First ReleaseI can understand the West Point Star, and Frisco's- Golden Gate Label, as well as the Collector's preference to collect their ASE Set in Liberty Label or the "Plain Brown Wrappe



"In God We Trust" . . . Our Kids? (Ah, Jury's out!)

. . . I remember going through my "daily take", after a day with my shoe-shine box Over the last year, I've been flipping through some of the sets and Journals here at NGC, I've seen so many beautiful, valueable, and quite extensive collections, some of US coins I didn't know even existed. One has to wonder with some of these sets "When would this person have time to do anything else?" It is also obvious that some of those collectors are very well off. At least the've invested in a worthwhile



Gentlemen, Gentlemen. . Awards are over (for now),

Time to get ready for next year. A few years ago, I decided to put together a theme set that appealed to me (not having anything to do with the Registry), discovering that I had inadvertently already acquired most of the coins through the years. I set the coins and some associated pictures and materials in a display, and set it up at my daughter's school for a presentation. I thought that the coins along with my descriptions and related articles would spark some interest in the topic. Turns o



The 2012 Eagles are out for sale.

Dealers are getting an early start on things. Just down the street from NGC, Modern Coin Mart, a reputable dealer has a good deal for those who want to get a jump on the 2012 Silver Eagles. A Pre-Sale on a MS-70 for $99, and MS-69s @ $49/59. Your choice of Brown, Blue, or Liberty Labels, with or without Early Releases designation(Me, I want it all!). Just follow the link-- http://www.moderncoinmart.com/cart1/home.php?xid=9e419076ee68f2802bf3e91d727317cc ALSO The 2012(S)Eagles are also ba



What a Rotten Shame!

EBay Dealers with multiple listings of 5, 10, 20, and more sets on hand . . For those of us who followed the rules and stayed within the lines, and picked up our 5 sets or less, and then actually got them -- COOL! We got what we wanted for our collections, and one for that special gift, and didn/t make pigs of ourselves. But that's far from what happened to the rest of the many hopeful collectors that tried to buy a set from the US Mint on October 27. Having viewed and reviewed a ton of Jou



My Last Post about the 25th Anniv. Sets

A Perfect Return(Blown by One) That day in October was such a pain, but I managed to get the order in by a little after 1pm. Why I had to wait a month to get my order home is beyond me. But the wait didnt cause too much damage- Its that bit of stress that keeps our blood pumping. This was the result that I found today(11/29)when I checked on my order. I was So so close! Coins for NGC invoice number 2566806 Line Item Year Mint Mark Variety/Pedigree Denom. Grade Comments 001 2011 EAGLE



The "Silver Anniversary" Set as an Investment instrument.

A "Holy Grail" for the American Silver Eagle enthusiast. The 2011 is the "Silver Anniversary", the 2011 5-pc 25th Anniversary Set of Silver Eagles were issued to commemorate this. The 20th Anniversary set was notable, and now with the addition of the "Silver" Anniversary set, along with the shrinking number of available Complete Sets, circumstances are quickly making this set a "Holy Grail" to ASE collectors and Investors. Though some are predicting so, I doubt that a 30th Anniversary commemo



Opening(and Closing?) Day for the 25th Anniversary Sets

Just like the 2006 20th Anniv Sets, "Gone in the blink of an eye!" I've recommended to readers at times in my posts about the 1st Day of Issue problem with New Coins & Sets. The Mint always gets bogged down and their system just plain "Crashes" at the opening of a "Hot Item". It's happened time, and time again. But with perseverance- You won?t get ?Shut-Out? of a Sale completely. Today(Thursday), those of us who were able to buy anything within the 1st 45 minutes, were just plain Luc



25th Anniversary Eagle Set, It's Official

Thursday, October 27th 12-Noon. Get your money ready . . They're gonna disappear FAST! No Official pricing has been posted. For myself, I'd use an average of the current silver eagle prices-Plus 30%. That puts us in the $320-350 ballpark. If they come out for less, Good Deal! Anyway, Not taking any credit for the news, these links will take you to the full story-> SilverCoinsToday: http://www.silvercoinstoday.com/release-date-published-for-2011-anniversary-silver-eagle-set/105013/



2011, A "Bumper Crop Year" for Silver Eagles

Get your Cash and Credit Cards Ready, the Pickens' are gonna cost ya! . . 2011 is going to be a Very Satisfying year for the silver eagle enthusiasts, with a complete diversity of Mintmarks and Planchet styles, both already issued by the Mint, and still in the works, and with 9 different coins- 2011 is also going to be the "Most Expensive", and 'murder' on someone doing catch-up later on! The 2011 Line-up so far: 1. 2011 Bullion Silver Eagle(No Mintmark) 2. 2011-W Proof Silver Eagle 3.



US Mint Suspends Sale of Proof & MS Silver Eagles

The Mint reinstated sales on 10/5/11 cutting about $10 Off on each, the 2011-W Burnished MS & 2011-W Proof Eagles. A Miracle! (So Just read this Journal for background info only) The 9/29/2011 article in "SilverCoinsToday" indicates that the Mint has suspended their sale of silver products, due to the drop in the spot silver market, stating "This product is temporarily unavailable for product repricing", suggesting that the Mint is going to readjust their prices to reflect the lower silver